The Operational Reality of Statewide Data Ambitions: An Exploration of Three Models

This presentation describes three underlying models - centralized, decentralized, and federated - that can provide a framework for the relationships between partners, the responsibilities of the GIO, and the flow of the data.

News from the Utah Potpourri of GIS

Listen as Matt Peters and Greg Bunce infuse your senses with an update on Utah's recent GIS efforts including NextGen911, elections, data management, and our new logo design. This is just an overview of where we are now and where we are heading in the new fiscal year.

3D NHD: Considerations and Complexities of Elevation-Derived Hydrography

With comprehensive coverage of high-resolution elevation data now available through the USGS 3DEP program and the potential for supporting funds for updating the National Hydrography Dataset, the opportunity to update statewide hydrography datasets to local scale 3D hydrography has never been better. In this presentation we will discuss some of the considerations and complexities involved in hydrologic data derivation including data specifications, landscape specific concerns, data schemas for multiple user communities, feature delineation, local stakeholder engagement, project scale, automation, conflation into the NHD, and more. The goal of this presentation is to help NSGIC members make informed decisions when planning updates to hydrography network mapping in their states.

Make Informed Decisions Using Insights Derived from Aerial Imagery

Technological advancements in the geospatial industry have brought new possibilities to state imagery programs. As government stakeholders invest in high-quality imagery, understanding how to leverage the data will open doors to new possibilities for their organization and community. This presentation will explore how states can use high-resolution aerial imagery to derive data analytics that enables more informed decisions. We will showcase state organizations leveraging Hexagon’s nationwide, high-resolution aerial imagery for various initiatives such as transportation asset management, vegetation analysis, and more.

A Critical Component of Election Modernization: An Update on the Geo-Enabled Elections Project

Every voter in this country deserves a correct ballot and to vote in the right contests. We, the people, rightfully expect this when engaging in the democratic process.The mission of the Geo-Enabled Elections Project is to ensure the right ballot gets to the right voter. We facilitate the adoption of geographic information systems and related processes to ensure transparency, efficiency, and accuracy in election management - all in the name of voter confidence and increased citizen engagement.Now more than ever, GIS integration in elections is crucial, especially as states and counties begin drawing election boundaries as part of redistricting in an unprecedented short period of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As geospatial professionals, we must advocate for this powerful technology and work with state and local election directors to enhance their processes using GIS. We must do this in the name of democracy - re-establishing confidence, one voter at a time. Join us for an on-demand session at the NSGIC Hybrid Annual Conference to learn more about what we have been up to this year.

Taking Spatial Automation to the Next “Level”: How 1Spatial is Implementing its New 3D Capabilities

As technology continues to evolve to support smart cities, digital twins, next generation 911, etc. it has become more apparent that data quality control and cleanup is becoming too daunting a task for manual processes. Adding to the complexity is the support of 3-Dimentional use cases. Just think of the amount of work it is to support 2D next generation 911 dataset. How are organizations going to support 3D use cases within their existing workforce and budgets?

At 1Spatial, we are looking into the future and have built out 3D capabilities within our automated rules-engine 1Integrate to support the automation of generating true volumetric 3D geospatial datasets from traditional 2D data and the ability to validate and integrate 3D datasets.