California’s Innovative Approach to GIS for NG9-1-1

 In California, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) has taken an innovative approach to GIS preparation for NG9-1-1 deployment. It involves a sweeping state-level GIS assessment and development project to produce a statewide GIS dataset that is “at least as good as” the MSAG database that is currently routing live 9 -1-1 calls today. This allows for transitioning off of expensive legacy 9-1-1 system costs for Automatic Location Information (ALI) and selective routers, freeing up money that can then be made available for GIS improvement efforts to bring the GIS data beyond MSAG quality, and achieve the best possible initial call route. The resulting statewide GIS dataset can then be shared and leveraged by multiple State and local agencies for their business needs. 

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