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The Impact of Geospatial Search and Analysis in the Transportation Industry

Join Chris Lambert to hear the story of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's (KYTC) ongoing, six-year journey with adopting and implementing spatial-temporal big data for a variety of use cases. KYTC currently aggregates, processes, stores, and performs real-time analysis on 3.5+ billion records per year from 16+ data sources. He will give you a whirlwind tour of how they use Elasticsearch's geospatial capabilities to make the most of their geodata and do things like: Incident/crash detections, work zone monitoring, snow and ice operations. Chris will share his geospatial search story, giving you insight into the KYTC setup, lessons learned, and simple solutions for the difficult real-world problems facing many transportation agencies today.

Presented by Chris Lambert, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, in partnership with Elastic

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